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The Lion's Gate portal is a powerful astrological event occurring once a year during the northern hemisphere's summer. It is marked by the sun's position in Leo and the rising of the brightest star in our sky, Sirius, on the eastern horizon aligning with Orion's Belt. The Lion's Gate has spiritual and practical benefits, including opening a portal to connect with the divine and spiritual realms, increasing productivity, creative energy, abundance, and healing.

During the Lion's Gate month, it is important to stay open to the Universe's ability to provide you with everything you desire. Trusting your intuition and paying attention to the signs around you can guide you towards the right path. Seek assistance from those around you if you ever feel lost or unsure. Remember to embrace love and surrender to the journey, trusting that everything will work out in the end. Enjoy the ride and cherish every moment along the way.

Manifesting Your Dreams: Harnessing the Power Within

August 08/08

The numerology number of infinity


In this blog, we will explore the concept of manifestation and how it can be a powerful tool to bring your dreams into reality during the Lion's gate portal. We will delve into key points that will help you achieve success in manifesting your desires.

Astrological Events are happening...

Currently, our planet is undergoing a significant shift in paradigm. While it may be challenging for some, we must embrace this new energy to move forward. Anything in your life that no longer serves your highest good must be released. It's time to let go of old beliefs and embrace this amazing opportunity to work with our energies. You are not alone, divine cosmic intervention is here to assist you.
The Power of Clarity

One of the fundamental aspects of manifestation is being clear about what you want to achieve. By having a clear vision and outcome in mind, you set the stage for success. Take the time to reflect on your desires and be specific about what you want to manifest. This clarity will guide your actions and help you stay focused on your goals.

Alignment of Heart and Mind

Finding harmony between your heart and mind is essential in the manifestation process. Your heart represents your emotions and desires, while your mind is responsible for logical thinking and planning. When these two aspects work together in cohesion, you tap into a higher energy that propels you towards your dreams. Take the time to connect with your heart and mind, allowing them to support and guide each other.

Nurturing Your Inner Light

Your inner light represents your unique energy and essence. Nurturing and maintaining this inner light is crucial in the manifestation process. It is through this energy that you attract opportunities and align with the universe's vibrations. Set aside time for self-care and self-reflection to keep your inner light burning brightly. Practice activities that bring you joy and enhance your energy, allowing you to operate from a higher frequency.

The Art of Correct Manifestation

If you have been experiencing challenges in manifesting your dreams, it's essential to assess your approach. The key to successful manifestation lies in understanding if you are doing it correctly. Reflect on your actions, intentions, and mindset. Are you staying committed to your clear intent? Are you willing to let go and allow the universe to work its magic? Listen to divine guidance and follow the advice presented to you, as it can pave the way for your manifestation success.

A Taste of Manifestation Success

Today is an auspicious day for many of you. The universe aligns to grant you a glimpse of manifestation success, serving as a catalyst for your continued journey. Be open to recognizing and acknowledging these moments of success, no matter how small they may seem. Use these experiences as fuel to propel you forward, building your belief in your manifesting abilities.


Manifesting your dreams is within your reach. By harnessing the power of clarity, aligning your heart and mind, nurturing your inner light, following correct manifestation practices, and embracing moments of success, you can manifest the life you desire. Remember, you have the ability to create and manifest your dreams; now it's time to take action and step onto the path of manifestation.


I am worthy.

I am loved.

I am supported.

I am enough.

I am abundant.

I am protected.

I am strong.

I am powerful.

I am fearless.

I am brave.

I am talented.

I am creative.

I am intelligent.

I am fun.

I am confident.

I am grateful.

I am free.

I am grounded.

I am whole.

I am unstoppable.

I am beautiful.

I am radiant.

I am joyful.

I am compassionate.

I am patient.

I am cherished.

I am healthy.

I am resilient.

I am kind.

I am treasured.

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